Local development in the context of territorial shrinkage: insights for a model of analysis
Territorial Development, Local Development, Territory, Human Development, Quality of Life, Territorial ShrinkageAbstract
This article provides an analysis, essentially conceptual, of development strategies and the challenges faced by “shrinking” territories, starting from a broad understanding of the spatial configuration of the current phase of capitalism. On the one hand, the literature on regional and local development is revisited, and the general evolution of development theories and policies is questioned, particularly on a local and regional scale. On the other hand, the literature that seeks to understand dynamics behind the spatial distribution of human activity and the growth of cities is explored, paying attention to the geographical configuration of the knowledge economy, to identify the particularities of the development constraints of shrinking territories. By comparing these two literature reviews, through an articulated understanding of the main contributions of both, the aim is to understand the theoretical and conceptual relationship between local development, territorial shrinkage and quality of life. The purpose of this exercise is to find a theoretical approach that can inform new development policies in the context of territorial shrinkage. As a result of this analysis, some usefulness is identified in the adoption of beyond growth development strategies, centered on the intrinsic valorization of the non-economic spheres of development. Assuming the centrality of the idea of quality of life and the diversity of factors that contribute to the processes of territorial development and shrinkage, it is important to value the qualitative attributes of places, as well as the relational and affective factors of the territory, recognizing their relevance to people's locational decisions.
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