Educational Risks in Basic Education: An Approach to Territorial Dynamics
educational risk, socio-territorial development, educational communityAbstract
This article is a synthesis version of the study "Identification of Educational Risks in Basic Education" (in press) carried out by the CET in 2001/2002. It was promoted by the National Education Council (CNE) and funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The main objective of the study was to explore the existing statistical information on basic education in order to identify vulnerabilities and potentialities in the current education network, namely the identification of territories with a higher incidence of "potential educational risk situations". Based on 1996/97 education statistics (DAPP) and socio-economic characterization of the regions, the statistical analysis was developed at NUTS II and III level and at county level. The statistical data presented here depict only some of the most relevant aspects from the point of view of its territorial expression.
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