External Evaluation of the Choices Program - 2nd. Generation
Some theoretical-methodological challenges
evaluation, child-youth exclusion, participatory methodologiesAbstract
This article is the result of an external evaluation process of the 2nd edition of the Choices Programme developed by the Center for Territorial Studies (CET / ISCTE) between December 2005 and June 2007. More than describing the evaluation process and presenting results, we intend to reflect on particular aspects of the Programme and questions raised by the evaluation developed. The overall quality of the Programme naturally poses an additional challenge to the external evaluation, which is fraught with a large number of questions and questions regarding its purpose: child and youth exclusion and territorial equity in the distribution of resources; specificity of participatory methodologies with children and young people; evaluation of Web components in the context of monitoring and evaluation systems and information and communication are some of the issues that have challenged the evaluation team, whose reflection is shared here.
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