Aesthetics of violence and construction of the place-show in the documentary “Em busca de um lugar comum”
urban imaginary, aesthetics of violence, place-show, Brazilian documentaryAbstract
This work aims to identify, analyze and deconstruct the social discourse of urban violence in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) taking place in thethe filmic discourse on the imagery of the place-show in the documentary "Em Busca de Um Lugar Comum "(In Search of a Common Place) (Felippe Schultz Mussel, 2012). The symbolic potential of the categories of "favela", "community", "foreign", "native", "primitive art", "faces", and the problem of violence in the maintenance of the imaginary built upon the perception of place in the favelas of Rio. The debate carried out here evidences the meanings attributed to spaces held as peripheral and the built imaginary of the place-show. For the sake of discussion, reference authors include Holland (1995) - the cordial man -, De Certeau (1998) - the invention of the everyday - Relph (2012) - the construction and the essence of the place - Amâncio (2000) - the foreign look -, Bauman (2009) - fear in the city - and Lipovetsky (2015) - the aestheticization of violence. In short, we expect to delineate the place-show typology from a cinematographic work that gives rise to diverse readings in the contemporary Brazilian scenario.
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