From the housing policies to the urban space

Spatial trajectory of Afro-descendants across Lisbon Metropolitan Area


  • Elena Taviani GSSI - Urban Studies


Afro-descendants, Lisbon Metropolitan Area, informal settlements, social housing, urban regeneration, marginality


The purpose of this paper is to explore the residential geography of the African communities in the urban space of Lisbon Metropolitan Area resulting from the housing policies implemented over the last 60 years. Despite the high degree of diversity that characterized this group composed by both immigrants from former Portuguese colonies in Africa and their descendants, the theoretical framework will be built around the notion of African community as a consolidated minority group. Thus, through a systematic literature review, three main phases that marked the evolution of housing policies are identified. A first period, from the 1960s to the 1990s, defined by institutional ambiguity in the properties regime, a second season, from 1993 to the 2000s, when a national social housing programme was enforced, and a third stage, started around fifteen years ago with the urban rehabilitation process that is still ongoing. The nature of the policies implemented and the socio-urban consequences which involved the African community will be investigated distinctly. At the end of each section explanatory examples will be presented: the informal settlement of Cova da Moura, resulted from the spread of clandestine settlements, Casal da Mira social district, constructed during the re-location programme and the historical neighbourhood of Mouraria currently affected by urban renewal. Eventually, the attempt is to acknowledge and define the continuous marginalization that has affected the African communities within the metropolitan space of Lisbon as a result of the housing policies analysed.


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