Exploring the potential of coworking spaces for quality of working life and wellbeing
a systematic review of academic literature
wellbeing, coworking, quality of working life, freelancers, remote workAbstract
Coworking spaces (CSs) have gained significant attention in the last decades as an alternative to traditional offices and homes. These spaces offer a flexible and collaborative environment that caters to the needs of freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review academic literature to investigate how CSs contribute to workers' quality of working life (QWL) and wellbeing. Literature is analysed thematically following the QWL framework proposed by Walton (1973). The findings of this review suggest that CSs may act as a quasi-organisation by emulating the role traditionally undertaken by employers contributing to different aspects of workers’ QWL, which ultimately affect their wellbeing. CSs’ contribution largely depends on the different material features of the spaces, the services offered, the work culture promoted, the curation activity of the host, the coworking members, and the complex interrelation among all these elements. In the conclusive section, the review identifies potential research gaps and areas for future research in this field.
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