"We were in town, we are now in the bush!" : The experience of the eviction of an elderly woman in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)


  • George Rouamba Université de Bordeaux


eviction, elderly woman, identity.territory, city, family


Urban space is the subject of multiple modifications, resulting in intra-urban mobility. Dismantling, as a form of forced displacement, has been institutionalized in urban policies since the Sankara revolution. A concrete case study of an elderly woman, Zangouettin's dismissal at the "Welcome 2000", helped us to understand the experience of de-empowerment. The names of places and buildings that make up the memories of the old quarter are part of an individual and collective history of the city. The installation in the new neighborhood entails, on the one hand, the passage from the lineage family to the conjugal family and on the other hand to the emergence of a new form of poverty which calls for the elaboration of multiple personal initiatives for reinventing a new identity.






Dossier Article