"Bonjour Voisin": Social participation in an intergenerational space in the town of Saint Apollinaire in France


  • Pierre Henri Daure FEDOSAD


social participations, intergenerational space, Saint Apollinaire


A social adventure involved three partners: a municipality, an association managing home services and accommodation establishments and a social landlord from a reflection "intergeneration can not be decreed, it is created, she saw herself.
The concept of creation or recreation of social link, proposed by Michel Thiry, then President of the association FEDOSAD (Federation Dijonnaise of Works of Support Home), and inspired by the simple words "hello neighbor", catalyzed the energy partners to work together.
The aim is to provide pensioners and young couples with a child under 5 years of age to live in an intergenerational space, made up of social housing, small living units for dependent elderly people, a day care, early childhood services and municipal facilities, to make "live village spirit".
A seven-year project gestation allowed this ambitious program to come into being in July 2002. Twelve years after its creation, the initial choices bore fruit.






Dossier Article