fem*MAP Berlin 2049

Feminist spatial systems for a non-sexist city


Palabras clave:

feminist spatial production, non-sexist city, feminist practices of resistance, feminist planning practice, critical mapping


In search of a feminist perspective for Berlin and an answer to the question of what a non-sexist city could and should look like, an analysis of hegemonic and feminist spatial systems was carried out based on practice-based teaching research formats. Using critical mapping (Harley, 1989; Wood, 1992) with a collective-feminist approach, this paper will demonstrate the potential of the map as a tool that allows for a non-hegemonic perspective of space. The mapping research reveals how the dichotomy of the terms public and private determines hegemonic spatial systems and how the concept of commons as a counter-image and third spatial realm opens up a possible typology of feminist spatial systems. Thus, in the evaluation of the results, the need for new common notions in urban planning discourse is discussed.


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