Book review of: Revista Lina: perspectivas feministas en arquitectura y urbanismo

nº 0, 2021. Dónde están las mujeres


Palabras clave:

Revista Lina, Female architects, Feminist magazines, Feminist architecture


Revista Lina is an initiative of the Feminist Nucleus of Faculdade de Arquitectura de la Universidade do Porto and MAAD Collective (Coletivo Feminista Mulheres Arte Arquitetura & Design).

The first issue of Revista Lina, foundational #0, approaches to the vital question of the spaces where women are in this world. Where are the women? Is the enquiring for women locations and their influence in their immediate built environment. Under this statement, a variety of episodes in diverse geographical locations is presented, in an unpretentious and diverse way, not exhaustively but as a start of a long road that must be go down in future issues. This first number can be understood as the first step of the path that goes through the “places” where women are or have been. Among them, spaces beyond the geographical boundaries as mass media, architectural magazines or the Internet are presented, but also physical, tangible spaces as bus stops, neighbourhood public spaces or schools thought by and for women.

This review pretends to summarize the multifaceted view presented by the editorial board of the magazine, gathering together different approaches to the “where” of women. First of all, the name Lina: a statement. Second, the hard nucleus of the magazine: women architects and urban planners that play the role of transforming their immediate environment: inside the profession, in the media, feminist approaches to architecture, teaching that creates spaces for women and also social transformations related to urban planning leaded by women. All of it, articulated by poetic and artistic appreciations of the question, that give dynamism to the issue.

Biografía del autor/a

Mónica Guáqueta, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Arquitecta por la Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) 2001. Vive en Barcelona y es profesora asociada de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona-UPC. Actualmente avanza en su tesis doctoral sobre el espacio doméstico en la obra de Charlotte Perriand en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura de la misma institución.


Núcleo Feminista da FAUP e do Coletivo MAAD (2021). Revista Lina: Feminist Perspectives in Architecture and Urbanism, 0. Onde estão as mulheres? (Where are the women?).

