Feminisms and the spacialization of resistances: keeping the fight alive



Space and Feminism, Architecture and Gender, Urbanism and Gender Perspective, Spacial Women Rights

Biografia Autor

Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, CIEG/ISCSP, University of Lisbon and Faculty of Ingeneering - University of Beira Interior

Feminist, architect, researcher, professor, activist, and mother. Researcher and Project Leader W@ARCH.PT - Women architects in Portugal, 1942-1986 (Portuguese Government Funding). Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ULisbon). Founder member and president of Women in Architecture (Portugal). Invited Assistant Professor (UBI, Architecture). Degree in Architecture (Technical ULisbon, 1997), Master in History of Art (Nova ULisbon, 2008), PhD in Architectural Projects (UPCatalonia, Spain, 2010), and a postgraduate degree in Feminist Studies (UCoimbra, 2016). Young Researchers in Art Studies Award (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2008). Main research areas: Architecture and Gender; Cities and Gender; Feminist Urbanism; Portuguese Architecture History (XX Century).


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