On Migration and Security: Europe managing migration from Sub-Saharan Africa


  • Stephan Dünnwald ISCTE-IUL, CEA-IUL


deportation, human rights, Frontex, return, security, Mali


The last years showed considerable debates about migration from Africa to Europe. New border zones have been established, an externalisation of migration management had been introduced. Among the key stakeholders are not only the southern member states of the European Union, but the Union itself. Council and Commission engage in establishing a “global approach to migration”. More than member states, EU bodies base their discourse on values, not deterrence only. This article explores activities of member states and the European Union, describing the different zones of engagement from Bamako (Mali) to the Mediterranean. Taking the EU agency Frontex as a central example, the article poses the question if the EU engagement leads to more security for migrants and migration management.


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