¿Un Rey Sagrado en el Siglo XXI? La realeza joola de Oussouye revisitada



Realeza sagrada, Jolofo, Casamata, Senegal


This article aims to explain the most significant characteristics of the Joola-huluf (or Diola-huluf) Kingdom of Oussouye, in Southern Senegal. After 15 years of his first visit in Oussouye, and after almost ten years researching on this Joola kingdom, the author analyses the principal topics related to the sacred kingship and the latest changes referring to it. In this case study, we may observe that in spite of – or thanks to – the globalisation context, the Senegalese state presence and the Casamance conflict, the king of Oussouye is the most important social, religious and even political figure among the Joola of Oussouye.


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