Effects of Rio de Janeiro Ar Livre program on the autonomy of octogenarian elderly women


  • Larissa Aguirres Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Helio Furtado, Dr. Castelo Branco University
  • Gabriela Rezende de Oliveira Venturini, Ms University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
  • Flavia Porto, Dra. University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
  • José Manuel Vilaça Maio-Alves, Dr. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
  • Nádia Souza Lima da Silva Instituto de Educação Física e Desportos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro




With the increase in life expectancy, it is important to acknowledge the impact of health promotion programs on the elderly. The aimed of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Rio de Janeiro Ar Livre physical program on the functional autonomy of octogenarian elderly women´s. To this end, elderly women´s from 19 Rio de Janeiro Ar Livre program gyms were selected for the experimental group (EG) (n=23; 82.57±3.78 years), and for the Control Group (CG) (n=17; 82.88±2.23 years) from the attending cohabitation houses of the City of Rio de Janeiro. To access the functional autonomy was used Rikli and Jones (1999) protocol in two times separated by (28 weeks). It was observed in the EG a significant (p=0.010) increase in Upper limbs' strength test (13.00±3.41 to 15.09±3.60 times, pre and post innervation, respectively) and a significant (p=0.002) increase in 2 minutes Step test in the CG (36.59±15.00 to 47.24±10.96 times, pre and post, respectively). However, any significant differences between groups were observed in all variables analysed. Based in the present data we can conclude that the training program was only effective in the promotions of the functional strength of the upper limbs and to maintain the functional autonomy of octogenarian elderly women.

Author Biographies

Larissa Aguirres, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Physical Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Helio Furtado, Dr., Castelo Branco University

Graduated in Physical Education, Master in Science of Human Motricity by the University Castelo Branco and PhD in Sports Sciences from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro - UTAD, Portugal. Professor at the Castelo Branco University.

Gabriela Rezende de Oliveira Venturini, Ms, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Physical Education from the University Center of Minas Gerais - Unifaminas, Master in Sports and Exercise Science from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Professor of the South American College.

Flavia Porto, Dra., University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Physical Education. PhD in Biomedical Gerontology by PUCRS. Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro of the Post-graduation in Exercise and Sports Sciences.

José Manuel Vilaça Maio-Alves, Dr., University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

Degree in Physical Education and Sports, PhD in Sports Sciences, Master in Sports Sciences. He is a Guest Assistant Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro in the Department of Sports






Original Article