About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Focus and Scope
Journal Motricidade (ISSN 1646-107X, eISSN 2182-2972) is a quarterly scientific journal published by Sílabas Didáticas Editions. Its mission is to help to develop and disseminate theoretical and empirical research in sports science, human movement, human development, and health. Journal Motricidade follows an open-access policy.
Journal Motricidade publishes relevant original research and review articles that are methodologically sound and theoretically grounded and will potentially contribute to the scientific areas of sports science, human movement, human development, and health, promoting the international debate on those topics. Both qualitative and quantitative research are welcome. Manuscripts may be accepted for publication on the condition that contains original theoretical or experimental data which has not yet been published partially or totally elsewhere, neither submitted nor considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts must be drafted in English and comply with the guidelines of the International Committee of the Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the American Psychological Association (APA) for the presentation of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. Whenever suitable or appropriate, the submitted manuscript must clearly report that it also complies with the best ethical practices and that approval was granted beforehand by an ethics committee or institutional review board.
Journal Motricidade has a Creative Commons License that allows for its utilization, provided that such use does not imply commercial ends and that the references used are properly mentioned.
The Journal's name Motricidade is the correct form to be used in the References section.
Manuscripts may only be submitted online through the Journal Motricidade’s OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform, accessible at https://revistas.rcaap.pt/motricidade/about/submissions. New users must register beforehand.
After logging in, authors must provide the details required and submit the manuscript going through five steps:
1. Under “Submissions online”, provide the article's type/section, the main language of the manuscript, and accept the general conditions. It is also possible to write down some optional comments to the editors, for instance, stating the scientific area of the manuscript submitted.
2. Step two requires the submission of the manuscript. Such a file must not contain the identification of the authors in the main text, cover page, or under the file’s properties.
3. Upon uploading the manuscript, it must be provided with the authors’ details (name, surname, affiliations, address, e-mail contact), one of which will be the contact author. A title, abstract (up to 200 words), and keywords are also required in this step.
4. Step four is optional and allows the uploading of supplementary documents. The cover letter and mandatory attachments cannot be uploaded during step 4.
5. Step five requires the corresponding author to confirm the correct submission of the manuscript and register its identification (ID). Such ID must be used in future correspondence with the editors.
After verifying that the manuscript was correctly submitted, the corresponding author must send, within 24 hours, an e-mail to the Journal’s director (director@revistamotricidade.com) informing him of the ID issued to the manuscript by the OJS platform. The e-mail must include the following mandatory attachments: (i) a cover letter; (ii) a declaration of authorship and contribution by each author; (iii) a statement of transfer of copyright; (iv) a statement of approval by the ethical committee or institutional review board. The authors may refer to the template that can be found here. Failing to send the e-mail containing the mandatory attachments leads to rejecting the manuscript.
Getting the e-mail, the editors will acknowledge the correct uploading of the manuscript and supplementary documents and begin the review process.
Journal Motricidade provides immediate open access to its content and allows quick dissemination of the authors' findings. The Journal is indexed in many prestigious international databases. For more details, kindly refer to the abstracting and indexing section below.
Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication and before the galley proofs are sent to the authors, they must proceed with the payment of a publication fee of 200 euros (plus 23% of VAT). A receipt will be issued and provided to the authors after the transaction is completed. Journal Motricidade will provide the details on how to proceed with the payment.
Peer Review Process
Peer reviewing is carried out according to a blind review process. As such, authors are accountable for ensuring that the manuscript does not contain details in the main text, cover page, or under the file’s proprieties that enable their identification by a third party. Authors may suggest two possible reviewers, providing details such as full name, e-mail address and a justification for their names being put forward. Authors may also indicate to some fellow researchers or academics that, for many varied reasons, they do not wish to review the manuscript.
Journal Motricidade follows an internal and external reviewing process. At first, it will be verified if the manuscript falls under the Journal’s scope, the clarity of the writing, methodological adequacy, if it is in tandem with the best ethical practices, and its adherence to the Journal's guidelines. Articles that do not strictly obey APA's rules of citation and bibliographic referencing or any other guideline will be reverted to the authors.
If the manuscript fulfils all these criteria, it is forwarded for blind peer review. The Journal Motricidade no longer assesses the manuscripts on the subjective perception of the importance or novelty of the findings reported. Editors and reviewers are advised to check thoroughly the methodology and how it sounds based on the theoretical background or framework and the state-of-the-art on such topics. The Journal looks forward to a comprehensive and rigorous report on the research design, experiments, data handling, and statistical analysis. In the event of disagreement between reviewers’ recommendations, the manuscript may be forwarded to a third reviewer.
Finished the reviewing process, the corresponding author will be informed of the reviewers' evaluations and editorial decisions. When suggestions are made to perform changes in the manuscript, the authors will have one month to upload an updated version reflecting the reviewers’ inputs. Authors must submit two documents on the OJS platform: (i) one edited and updated version of the manuscript highlighting the changes made; and (ii) a supplementary document containing a reply point by point to all comments delivered by the reviewers. The editors and reviewers will go through the edited manuscript, and a new decision will be made. Decisions by the editorial board are final and communicated to the corresponding author by e-mail.
Publication Frequency
Journal Motricidade is published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) in an online (free) format.
Open Access Policy
This Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Technical Information
ISSN (print): 1646-107X
ISSN (online): 2182-2972
Legal Deposit: 222069/05
ICS: 124607
Frequency: Quarterly (March, June, September, and December)
Property/Edition: Sílabas Didáticas, LDA
Revista Motricidade
Urbanização Aleu, 5
5000-054 Vila Real - PORTUGAL
Abstracting and Indexing
Web of Knowledge/Scielo Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), ELSEVIER (SCOPUS, EMCare), SCImago (SJR: Medicine, Health Professions), PsycINFO, IndexCopernicus, Scielo, CABI (CAB Abstracts, Global Health, Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews Series A), Qualis, SPORTDiscus, EBSCO (CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Academic Search Complete, Fonte Acadêmica, Fuente Academica, Fuente Academica Premier), Proquest (CSA Physical Education Index, ProQuest Psychology Journals, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory), DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Latindex, Gale/Cengage Learning (InfoTrac, Academic OneFile, Informe), Google Scholar, SIIC Databases (siicsalud), BVS ePORTUGUESe, SHERPA/RoMEO, e-Revistas, OCLC, Hinari/WHO, Swets Information Services, ScienceCentral, Genamics JournalSeek, Cabell's Directories, SafetyLit, NLM Catalog, SCIRUS, BASE Bielefeld, Academic Journals Database, Índex Online RMP, Saúde em Movimento
2016 - B1 (Physical Education, Psychology, Education and Interdisciplinary)
2016 - B2 (Nursing)
Journal History
Journal Motricidade initiated its publication in January 2005. Since then, it has published original and review articles on Sports, Health, and Human Development, positioning itself in both Portuguese and Brazilian contexts as a reference to students, academics, researchers, and professionals in the fields of Sports, Psychology, Education, and Health.
Since 2009, the Journal Motricidade has adopted a policy of open access, allowing free access to all of its contents without any embargo.