Comparison of anthropometric indicators in rhythmic gymnastics athletes satisfied and dissatisfied with body image




This study aimed to compare body mass index [BMI], triceps skinfold (DCTR), subscapular skinfold (DCSE) and body fat (%BF) in rhythmic gymnastics (GR) athletes, satisfied and dissatisfied with body image (CI). Through a cross-sectional study with 38 athletes practicing GR from Oeste Paranaense. The CI was assessed with the Body Shape Questionnaire, body mass and height were measured, and the BMI was calculated. The DCTR and DCSE were used to calculate the %GC (Slaughter equation). The economic level was verified with the Brazil Economic Classification Criterion, and sexual maturation was self-reported with Tanner boards. Independent T-test and Chi-square and covariance analysis (ANCOVA) were employed to control the interference of economic level and maturational stage, with p <0.05. Gymnasts dissatisfied with HF presented higher BMI values (mean: 19.01 Kg/m²; standard deviation [SD]: 0.65 Kg/m²), DCTR (mean: 9.26 mm; SD: 0, 65 mm), DCSE (mean: 7.33 mm; SD: 0.55 mm) and %BF (average: 20.75; SD: 0.96) when compared to gymnasts satisfied with HF, even after control economic level and maturational stage. GR athletes dissatisfied with HF presented higher values for anthropometric indicators.





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