Determinants of satisfaction and positive behavior of clients at fitness center
marketing, consumer behavior, quality management, economicsAbstract
The aim of the present investigation was to analyze the predictive relationship of service quality and price perception on the satisfaction and positive behavior of fitness center clients in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The sample consisted of 385 individuals who identified themselves as clients of a fitness center. The instrument used was an adapted, multidimensional questionnaire, consisting of a total of thirty-six items, applied face-to-face in the fitness center. The data were analyzed through a two-step structural equation modeling in AMOS 24.0. The analysis of the measurement model, after a refinement process, indicated a good adjustment to the data. In the structural model, services had a positive impact on both satisfaction and positive behavior, while price perception had a negative impact on behavior. Therefore, it is concluded that providing a service quality is an essential aspect in the acquisition of satisfied customers, who consequently will behave in a positive way when recommending, renewing the enrollment, and buying new products from the fitness center.
KEYWORDS: marketing; consumer behavior; quality management; economics.
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