Using rating of perceived exertion to monitoring exercise intensity during resistance training in elderly
The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is a valid and reliable method in monitoring intensities during aerobic training. However its validity and reliability is not clear in the classification of resistance training intensity. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of RPE scale in monitoring the resistance training session in elderly. Seventeen subjects (66,6 ± 2,7 years) completed an experimental trial at three intensities: 50%, 70% and 90% of a maximal repetition determined by the repetitions coefficients method (1-RMcr). Two sessions, of each intensity, were completed of the following exercises: Seated Chest Press, Leg Press, Lat PullDown, Triceps Extension e Biceps Curl. The Borg Scale was used to evaluate the RPE at the end of each set, and 30 minutes following each exercise session (RPEpt). The Wilcoxon (p≤0.05) test showed significant difference not only between the average RPE of each intensity, but also in the concerning RPEpt intensity. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for RPEpt was 0,70. The results of our study allow us to conclude that RPE is a valid and reliable method in monitoring the resistance training session in elderly.
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