EU-NATO Relations

a Long-Term Perspective


  • Sven Biscop Director of Europe in the World Programme at the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels. He has obtained a degree in Political Science at Ghent University (Belgium) and was awarded the Paul-Henri Spaak PhD scholarship of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders for his PhD research work.


EU-NATO relations have long amounted to a beauty contest. In reality, the EU and NATO are very different organisations: the former is an actor, the latter is an instrument. Taking this into account, and leaving behind the often emotional and ideological
debates, an effective division of labour can be designed for the three key functions of security and defence: strategy, operations, and capabilities. The result can be a European pillar of the European allies and partners of NATO – which also make up the EU – that contributes to collective defence while achieving strategic autonomy for expeditionary operations. The questions remains whether such a pillar should eventually also seek strategic autonomy in territorial defence. Eventually, a new
NATO could emerge: a US-EU alliance.





