The Comprehensive Approach in the Horn of Africa
The article acknowledges that the EU Comprehensive Approach is the right methodology and it should be used to contribute to tackle the complex problems the Horn of Africa is currently facing and its root causes. The authors recognize that only the joint employment of diverse tools and policies and by doing it in close co-operation with our Member States, it will be possible to have a meaningful intervention that will play its role in helping achieve stability and sustainable development in the region. The article takes the case of Somalia as a test case for the implementation of the Comprehensive Approach and concludes that the results have been encouraging. Notwithstanding the efforts made by the international community and the EU in particular, local ownership of the process and political will to restore a sustained peaceful environment remains crucial. The article concludes that the EU, collectively, has to define a common strategic vison, to focus on prevention, to mobilize existent strengths and capacities and to commit to a long-term Approach regarding crises in the region