Towards Multi-national Capability Development in Cyber Defence


  • Frederic Jordan Started his career in 1996 with an Aerospace Engineer degree and a Master’s degree in Computer Science. He then worked as an Information Security Engineer in the French Ministry of Defence before he joined the NATO C3 Agency in 2005. Since then his responsibilities have progressively evolved from scientific and technical activities to project and team management. He is now the Project Manager for most of the NCI Agency Cyber Defence scientific and technical projects. He is also the Project Manager for the Bi-SC AIS IDS acquisition project which provides the NATO Military Command sub-structure with Host based Intrusion Detection capability.
  • Geir Hallingstad Received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in computer engineering from Iowa State University in 1996 and 1997, respectively. He has over 10 years of experience working with information security in military systems and is currently working as a principal scientist at the NCI Agency. His work area includes networked systems that provide both secure and flexible communications in support of an network enabled capability (NEC) operational environment, and the establishment of cyber defence and its various components as a fundamental capability in providing cyber security and information assurance.
  • Agata Szydelko Received Master’s degree in Management and Marketing at Wroclaw University of Economics. As Principal Business Manager she is responsible for the strategic planning, cooperation development and business assurance of Multinational cooperation with the Nations and Organizations in the area of C4ISR. Her professional experience as NCIA Senior Contracting Officer includes the execution of highvolume NATO C4ISR acquisitions, also in support of NATO operations in Afghanistan and the Balkans. Moreover, as International Business Manager for national industry she was in charge of the supply of IT systems to commercial and military customers.


This article presents a multi-national cyber defence capability development approach discussed between several NATO Nations and the NATO Communications and Information Agency in the context of NATO Smart Defence. There is potential gain from leveraging common requirements and resources when the levels of nation capabilities in this area vary and funding to develop the capabilities is scarce. The article will address some of the fundamentals for multi-national cooperation.





