depression, adolescence, antidepressant, psychosomaticAbstract
Introduction: Adolescence is a period of changes, making this phase more vulnerable to psychological disturbances. The Depressive Disorder is a clinical entity increasingly prevalent and may be a precursor of adult psychopathology.
Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence and characterize the population of adolescents with depressive syndrome in an adolescent consultation.
Methods: Retrospective and analytical study, based on data obtained from 91 medical records of patients followed in the adolescence office with the diagnosis of depressive syndrome in the period of January 2003 to December 2011.
Results: The diagnosis of depressive syndrome was made in 91 adolescents. There was a predominance of females. The average age of diagnosis was 14.8 years. The adolescents were referred mainly from the Primary Health Care and Emergency Paediatric (26.4 and 22%, respectively). The main symptoms at presentation were sadness / emotional lability / tearfulness (61.5%). Psychosomatic symptoms were quite prevalent accounting for 30.8%. In 64.8% of cases an unfavourable context was identified, and the family conl icts were the most frequent (38.5%). There was suicidal ideation in 28.6% of cases with para-suicide in 21%. In 60% it was necessary collaboration from other specialties (71% child psychiatry). Medication was started in 76.9% of adolescents, the most widely used drug was fluvoxamine.
Conclusion: Depressive disorder in adolescents has been increasing in recent years. Frequently, the Primary Health Care physicians are the first to contact with this situation. It is important the early identiÞ cation of adolescents at risk of developing this disease.
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