Congenital lower extremity deformities, tibia, childAbstract
Objective: To describe the case of two children with leg bowing conditioned by tibial angular deformities and to discuss differential diagnosis.
Case report: We report the case of two patients referred to a Pediatric Orthopedics Consultation due to leg bowing. No skin patches or other alterations were found on physical examination. Clinical and imaging findings were consistent with congenital posteromedial bowing of the tibia. Favorable outcome was verified, with spontaneous resolution of deformity.
Comments: Posteromedial bowing of the tibia is a rare entity, with few cases reported in literature. Its true incidence remains unknown. It implies differential diagnosis with the tibial congenital pseudarthrosis, usually related to neurofibromatosis. Most often its treatment is conservative, because it tends to resolve spontaneously (mostly under 8 years) without any clinical consequences. Our aim is to alert pediatricians to establish the possibility of this clinical entity when dealing with tibial bowing, minimizing parental anxiety resulting from it. Nevertheless we emphasize the importance of evaluation by an orthopedist as there are clinical situations in which diagnosis may not be as evident.
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