Hair removal in adolescence


  • Sandra Pereira Pediatric Service of Centro Materno Infantil do Norte, Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Susana Machado Dermatology Service, Centro Hospitalar do Porto; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar
  • Manuela Selores Dermatology Service, Centro Hospitalar do Porto; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar



adolescent, depilation, epilation, hair removal


Introduction: Due to hormonal stimulation during puberty, changes occur in hair type and distribution. In both sexes, body and facial unwanted hair may have a negative psychological impact on the teenager. There are several available methods of hair removal, but the choice of the most suitable one for each individual can raise doubts.

Objective: To review the main methods of hair removal and clarify their indications, advantages and disadvantages.

Development: There are several removal methods currently available. Shaving and depilation with chemicals products are temporary methods, that need frequent repetition, because hair removal is next to the cutaneous surface. The epilating methods in which there is full hair extraction include: epilation with wax, thread, tweezers, epilating machines, laser, intense pulsed light, and electrolysis.

Conclusions: The age of beginning hair removal and the method choice must be individualized and take into consideration the skin and hair type, location, dermatological and endocrine problems, removal frequency, cost and personal preferences.


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How to Cite

Pereira S, Machado S, Selores M. Hair removal in adolescence. REVNEC [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2024Oct.6];24(2):70-4. Available from:



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