Child with multiple ecchymoses … is it abuse?


  • Sara Pimentel Marcos Pediatric Service of Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental
  • Margarida Valério Pediatric Service of Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental
  • Maria Manuel Vilhena Pediatric Service of Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental



Child abuse, bleeding disorder, ecchymoses, von Willebrand disease


Case report: Child abuse is a public health problem; bleeding disorders can mimic some of these situations. We alert to this problem reporting a case of suspected child abuse in a toddler with multiple ecchymoses. The history and clinical evaluation, including coagulation tests, achieved the diagnosis of severe type I von Willebrand disease failing to prove social dysfunction.

Comments: Physical abuse suspicion in children with bruising symptoms should raise the concern of a potentialbleeding disorder. Laboratory tests should be done on the basis of patient and family history, physical examination and prevalence of bleeding conditions. Nonetheless, laboratory testing indicating the presence of a bleeding disorder does not exclude concomitant child abuse and social monitoring and vigilance should be maintained.


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How to Cite

Marcos SP, Valério M, Vilhena MM. Child with multiple ecchymoses … is it abuse?. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Feb.22 [cited 2025Feb.12];24(1):37-40. Available from:



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