Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: case series of a secondary center


  • Janine Coelho Paediatric Service of Centro Hospitalar São João
  • Cláudia Melo Paediatric Service of Unidade de Famalicão, Centro Hospitalar Médio Ave
  • Felisbela Rocha Paediatric Service of Unidade de Famalicão, Centro Hospitalar Médio Ave
  • Sandra Santos Unidade de Famalicão, Centro Hospitalar Médio Ave
  • Sara Barros Unidade de Famalicão, Centro Hospitalar Médio Ave
  • Cecília Martins Paediatric Service of Unidade de Famalicão, Centro Hospitalar Médio Ave



Attention deficit disorder, behaviour disorder, hyperactivity, impulsivity


Introduction: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most frequent neuro comportamental condition in age school children. The symptoms include difficulty in controlling physical activity, impulsivity and/or inattention.

Objective: To describe the characteristics of children with ADHD, in a second line hospital.

Material and methods: Retrospective study of children with ADHD. Variables included were: age, sex, personal and family medical history, symptoms, comorbid disorders, therapy and treatment outcome.

Results: The study included 45 children, 75,5% were male. At the time of diagnosis 62,2% of the children were between five and eight years. There was a family history related to ADHD in 40% of the patients. Learning disabilities and behaviour problems were the main causes for referral. Association of hyperactivity and attention deficit were found in 55,5% of the patients. The most frequent associated comorbid disorders were: learning disabilities, oppositional defi ant disorder, conduct disorder and anxiety. Medication with methylphenidate was started in 95% of the patients, 16,3% of them having adverse effects. The response to treatment showed favourable outcome in 80 %, with improvement in behaviour, school outcome and social interaction.

Conclusions: These fi ndings showed a high incidence of ADHD in boys between five and eight years. The association between attention defi cit and hyperactivity was the most common presentation. Learning disabilities and behaviour problems were the main causes for referral in this study. Intervention with a multidisciplinary and pharmacological approach showed favourable results.


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How to Cite

Coelho J, Melo C, Rocha F, Santos S, Barros S, Martins C. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: case series of a secondary center. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Mar.8 [cited 2025Feb.14];23(4):195-200. Available from:



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