The end of life: a question of autonomy


  • José Cordero da Silva Universidade do Estado do Pará –Brasil



Autonomy, consent, ethics, law, life, right to die, terminality


Technological development of biomedical science is not always accompanied by a humanistic and ethical discussion, particularly in decision-making process to respect the autonomy of the citizen, as measures of aging in cases of chronic patients with incurable diseases. The aim of this study was to discuss some aspects related to terminal life, concepts, medical opinions, patient’s rights and the Brazilian legislation regarding this issue. This study establishes the conceptual relationship between the birth and death as a process of evolution of man, describing the concepts of euthanasia, orthothanasia and disthanasia. It analyzes the respect in the end of life of personalities that marked their time, the respect of the decision of terminal patients, the view of doctors and the legislative process in Brazil. Respect the wishes of terminal patients related to the process of orthothanasia not characterizes crime. Establish a discussion about the end of life, bring about enlightenment and obtain the consent is an ethical attitude in defense of human dignity.


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How to Cite

da Silva JC. The end of life: a question of autonomy. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Feb.24 [cited 2024Apr.25];23(2):100-5. Available from:



Current Perspectives in Bioethics