Neuropatia óptica associada à Amiodarona: Caso Clínico
Purpose: We aim to report an atypical case of optic neuropathy associated with amiodarone with a rapid development that presented unilateral disc edema and, consecutively, developed edema in the contralateral eye.
Case report: An 80-year-old patient, taking amiodarone for 2 months, presented a progressive bilateral decrease of visual acuity, more marked in the left eye (OS). The observation revealed visual acuity (VA) of the right eye (OD) of 4/10, counting fingers of the OS, relative afferent pupillary defect, and papillary edema in the left eye. In subsequent consultation, disc edema in OD was seen. The use of amiodarone was linked to the optic neuropathy, and the medication was suspended. Currently, he presents a maintained loss of visual acuity and visual field defects.
Discussion: Optic neuropathy associated with amiodarone is rare but may have serious implications. It is important to exclude its use in bilateral disc edema, but also atypical unilateral cases.
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