Conjuntivochalasis: A Review Article
Conjunctival Diseases/diagnosis, Conjunctival Diseases/epidemiology, Conjunctival Diseases/pathology, Conjunctival Diseases/therapy, Dry Eye Syndromes, Ophthalmologic Surgical ProceduresAbstract
Conjunctivochalasis is a chronic conjunctival condition often underdiagnosed. The hallmark is loose, redundant conjunctival folds classically located in the inferior conjunctiva. It is often bilateral and the prevalence rates increase dramatically in the elderly. The exact pathogenesis remains unknown. Conjunctivochalasis has been strongly correlated with aging and concomitant dry eye disease. The currently recognised pathophysiology is associated with mechanical friction, tear film instability, delayed tear clearance, and ocular surface inflammation. Not all cases of conjunctivochalasis are symptomatic or clinically significant. Depending on the severity, it can lead to a spectrum of symptoms, ranging from exacerbation of a dry eye disease in mild forms, to the interference with physiological tear outflow in moderate forms, or even to exposure complications in rare severe cases. The diagnosis of conjunctivochalasis is clinical and mainly supported on a thorough history of symptoms and biomicroscopic findings. No specific treatment is required for the asymptomatic cases. When the disease is symptomatic, the therapeutic approach starts with the medical treatment. For refractory cases, an arsenal of surgical interventions is currently available as a second-line approach.
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