A “Segurança Interna” da União Europeia:

O Caso da Guarda Costeira e de Fronteiras


  • Reinaldo Hermenegildo


In this article we analyse the evolution of the “internal security” of the European Union considering a theoretical background based on the specific currents which constitute the mainstream regarding explanations of security. Next, we try to explain how the “internal security” of the Union has evolved, relating it to the adjustments in border design and its effects on identity issues. In effect, we set out the reasons that led to the emergence and evolution of Frontex as a Border and Coast Guard within the European Union security framework.

Accordingly, we seek to highlight the role of the Border and Coast Guard as a means of management and control of external borders, contributing to the potential process of European Union securitisation, as well as the externalisation of border security. Finally, we demonstrate the effects Border and Coast Guard operations may have on the internal security of the States, on classical border design, and on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

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