
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft ® Word ® or OpenOffice format. Manuscritpts to be submitted to peer review (eg original or review articles, case reports ...) must be excised of any identifying elements.
  • The main author read, accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Publication Terms which should be sent along with the manuscript (in the form of a supplementary document). The authors must ensure that they have obtained informed consent (when necessary), as well as the need to obtain permission to reproduce tables, images or longer text excerpts from copyrighted protected sources.
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Instructions to Authors in the section About the Journal. It also takes into account the Journal Style Guidelines.
  • Please ensure that every author has a unique ORCID identifier, which is mandatory from 2018 onwards.

Author Guidelines

The proposed articles, written in Portuguese or English, may not have been previously published. The submission is made in digital format (Microsoft ® Word ® or OpenOffice) electronically, only this platform (RCAAP / OJS). Images, should they exist, must be sent as separate files (PDF, PNG or TIFF formats). The publication standards and style of references follow the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Editors (

It is strongly recommended to use the manuscript template.

Regarding the presentation of text, articles should be written in double-space in Times New Roman font, size 12. Pages must be numbered. Numbering of figures is done with Arabic numerals and tables with Roman numerals. The text should not exceed 12 pages (target number, not mandatory). The manuscript should begin with the article title in Portuguese and English; then the abstract in Portuguese and English (maximum 350 words for original articles and reviews for clinical cases and 150) as well as the key words in Portuguese and English, which must use terminology contained in MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) from the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

The abstract should contain the following sections: introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The original and review articles should be structured according to the following: introduction, objectives, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, followed by a list of references. In case they exist, acknowledgements should be placed before the reference list.

References should be numbered according to the order of appearance and inserted to the effect "superscript". In the reference list, which should only contain the cited works in the text and be arranged in the same order, must be structured as follows: a) in the case of journals: surname and initials of the authors (unless they exceed 6), title of article, abbreviated name of the publication (as per NLM catalog), publication year, volume, first and last page of the article; b) in the case of books: surname and initials of authors, book title, city and publisher, year of publication, pages; c) in the case of book chapters: surname and initials of the authors of the chapter or contribution, title and chapter number, surname and initials of editors, book title, city and publisher, year of publication, first and last pages of chapter . 
The manuscript should contain a statement at the end of conflicts of interest and sources of funding.

Given the new portuguese orthographic agreement, the Editorial Board decided that the decision of the authors regarding compliance with the new rules is at their own discretion.

It is the responsibility of the main author to ensure that all authors participated substantially in preparing the work, are aware of the publishing terms and provided its consent and approval for submission of the final version. The information contained in this article is the authors' sole responsibility. The lead author is responsible for ensuring that potential confliects of interest are correctly discriminated, as well as sources of funding, if any. The responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables or lengthy excerpts that exceed the mere quotation from other sources (eg books, other articles) is the responsibility of the authors. Where this is necessary, Psilogos Journal recalls that it is an open-access publication and obtaining permission should mention this. The responsibility for obtaining informed consent, where it is recommended, necessary or required, is the responsibility of the authors. 
Psilogos Journal presumes compliance with all legal and ethical precepts when the manuscript is accompanied by this signed statement. The need to obtain informed consent (in studies involving humans) emanates from the leges artis, ethical codes, ethics committees and research and other codes and institutions, and the author is required to ascertain the type of consent required for each particular work. In the specific case of aricles where the patient is identifiable (eg by images, genetic data or biographical data in the public domain) and the author can not hide these data without seriously harming the scientific purpose of the work, Psilogos requires a copy of the written informed consent by the patient (or its legal representative) after they view the final version of the work.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços fornecidos nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação e (caso os autores não manifestem oposição na caixa "Comentário ao Editor") para eventual envio de convites ou publicidade a eventos organizados pelo Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE. Os dados não serão disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.