Characterization of suicide attempts in the Emergency Department of Sousa Martins Hospital, Local Health Unit of Guarda, EPE


  • Mário J. Santos Serviço de Psiquiatria - Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, E.P.E.
  • Juliana Nunes
  • Dário Ferreira
  • António Pissarra da Costa


Suicide, Attempted suicide, Emergency Department


Introduction: Suicide is a complex public health problem resulting from the interaction between biological, psychological and sociocultural factors. Annually, according to the World Health Organization, about one million individuals commit suicide worldwide. That number corresponds to half of all violent deaths recorded and the tendency is to increase. Attempted suicide is defined as an act carried out by an individual who seeks his own death, but for various reasons, usually unrelated to the individual, results frustrated. The most important predictive factor of suicide is attempted suicide. It is considered that for every person who commits suicide, 20 or more make an attempt.

Aims: To analyze the profile of the patient who resorts to the Emergency Department of Sousa Martins Hospital, ULS Guarda, E.P.E., for attempted suicide.

Methods: Study, of retrospective basis, of the period between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2014. We based it on the statistical survey of data from medical records of the individuals over 18 who resorted to the Emergency Department of Sousa Martins Hospital, ULS Guarda, E.P.E., for whom it was deemed an attempted suicide event, prior to clinical evaluation.

Results and Conclusions: We conclude that the typical profile of the person who resorts, for suicide attempt, to the studied Emergency Department is female, at the beginning of middle age (approximately, at age 45), married, have a history of depressive disorder, use as a method of attempt drug ingestion and point out the existence of relational problems as a triggering factor. In addition, these individuals tend to resort to the Emergency Department, especially, in the last eight hours of the day.





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