A Abordagem Do Delirium Na Doença Oncológica – Uma Revisão


  • Guadalupe Maria da Silva Costa Marinho
  • Raquel Serrano
  • Diogo Almeida
  • Pedro Barata




Delirium; Neoplasms


Background: Delirium is the most common neuropsychiatric complication in cancer patients, specially in advanced disease cases, although it is often underdiagnosed.

Aims: The authors aim to review the relationship between delirium and cancer, highlighting the importance of the recognition of this comorbidity and its prompt and adequate approach.

Methods: Non-systematic review of the literature with posterior article selection according to their relevance to the topic.

Results: Delirium can result from the direct and indirect effects of the neoplasm and its treatment. So, it is important to do a prompt evaluation, diagnosis and treatment due to prognostic implications.

Conclusions: Delirium is a common complication in cancer patients and it is associated with a poor prognosis. A significant proportion of patients can increase their survival with an adequate approach, so it is important to identify and treat promptly this condition.

Author Biography

Guadalupe Maria da Silva Costa Marinho

ID ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8810-7790





Review Articles