LGBTQI+: concepts and definitions in health environment


  • Joana Granado Hospital de Egas Moniz - Centro de Lisboa Ocidental, Lisboa.
  • Joana Vasconcelos
  • Ana Cláudia Miranda
  • Kamal Mansinho



Orientação sexual; Saúde sexual; Comportamento sexual; Identidade de género; Expressão de género.


Background: The World Health Organization and the medical community have become more aware of the health issues and needs of the minority sexual and gender groups, mainly the lesbian, gay, bisexual, “trans” (transgender or transsexuals), queer and intersexual communities (LGBTQI).

Aims: The aim of this article is to review the terminology applied to distinguish between the various gender and sexual orientations and other relevant concepts with focus on its clinical impact.

Methods and Materials: Review of literature through the biomedical database Pubmed using the following keywords: gender identity, gender variance,  transgender, sexual orientation, transsexualism. The LGBTQI terminology and concepts were researched in websites and journals of associations/organizations oriented for these communities.

Results: Gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being masculine, feminine, or another gender and influences gender expression, which results from  behaviour, self-expression, appearance and cultural context. Sexual orientation relates to the emotional and/or sexual attraction which may lead to the establishment of relationships, either sexual or emotional, which is determined by three dimensions: sexual attraction, behaviour and identity.

Discussion: Some studies showed that LGBTQI patients may seek less health care, particularly due to their apprehensiveness of being marginalized. Some gender and sexual minorities have relevant health needs, in particular those related to their sexual risk and surgical/medical sexual reassignment.

Conclusion: Gender and sexual orientation are social determinants which need to be distinguished and explored in the healthcare setting. Clinicians should be aware and recognise potential health issues related to these gender and sexual minorities and intervene accordingly.





Review Articles