Use of hemispherical photography for plant area index determination in young olive trees (Olea europaea L.)
The determination of leaf area index (LAI) is essential in the characterization of the canopy structure and plants vitality evaluation.
In this study destructive measurements of LAI were compared with values obtained by hemispherical photography analysis, of young olive trees cv. Galega and cv. Cordovil de Serpa, in an olive orchard of Moura region.
As the direct method is assumed to be the most correct for estimating LAI, this method served as reference for the performance of the indirect methods. In order to be able to use the indirect methods to determine the LAI in the future, regression equations have been calculated taking into consideration the results of the indirect and the direct methods.
Our results suggest that this procedure is an alternative method suitable to LAI determination in young olive trees after specific calibration.