Selection of elephant grass genotypes (Pennisetum purpureum) by methodology REML/BLUP


  • Bruna R. da S. Menezes
  • Rogério F. Daher
  • Geraldo de A. Gravina
  • Verônica B. Silva
  • Erina V. Rodrigues
  • Maria L.F. Oliveira
  • Flávio D. Tardin
  • Niraldo J. Ponciano
  • Maria do S.B. de Araújo
  • Avelino dos S. Rocha



The objective of this work was to select elephant grass genotypes based on dry matter production, using the mixed model methodology (REML/BLUP). The experiment was conducted at Pesagro, RJ, Brazil. Twenty five hybrids were obtained in partial diallel scheme, 10 parents and the cultivar Capim Cana D'Africa. We evaluated the characteristics sheet width (LL), leaf length (CF), stem diameter (DC) and number of tillers (NP) in six weeks from the fifth week after planting. The percentage (% MS) and dry matter production (PMS) was evaluated in the last week. The components of variance and repeatability coefficients were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and the prediction of phenotypic and genotypic values for the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP). The Selegen-REML/BLUP software was used for analysis of the variables. There was great influence of environmental variance in phenotypic variance for traits, CF, DC and NP. Average magnitude of repeatability values were obtained for the LL, CF and DC. The genotypes that presented potential for greater production of biomass were H16, H17, G, P1, H4, P4, H25 and H22.


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