Nutrients accumulation and forage production of oat and ryegrass as affected by the application of lime and gypsum on soil surface


  • Marciela R. Silva
  • Adelino Pelissari
  • Anibal de Moraes
  • Itacir E. Sandini
  • Luís C. Cassol
  • Tangriani S. Assmann
  • Edilson B. Oliveira



The growth and development of annual winter pastures can be affected by chemical modifications of the soil profile owing to lime and gypsum applications. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the use of lime and gypsum applied on soil surface, in the presence and absence of grazing, on dry matter production and nutrient accumulation of forage oat mixture over ryegrass, performed in an experiment carried out on an Oxisol Alic in Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil. The treatments were arranged in complete randomized blocks in a split plot design with four replications, consisting on two management systems (with and without grazing) in the plots, and the use of limestone rates, with or without surface application of gypsum, in the subplots. Liming did not affect dry matter yield and botanical composition of the oat and ryegrass consortium in both the presence and absence of gypsum, and did not alter the levels of nutrients in the shoots in both management systems. For the production systems, the grazing affected negatively the studied characteristics; however it was not taken into account the amount of excrements readily decomposable that could be use by the following culture.


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