Panorama nacional do amendoal


  • Ana Santos 1 - Centro Nacional de Competências dos Frutos Secos, Bragança, Portugal; 2- Universidad de Léon, Escuela de Doctorado, León, Espanha
  • Sandra M. Teixeira



The almond tree has a great economic, environmental, cultural and social importance in Portugal. This species is even one of the main sources of income in some regions, such as Terra Quente Transmontana and characterizing the landscape. The National almond consumption has followed the global trend, an increase in recent years, resulting from the consciousness of the importance of lifestyle and healthy eating habits, and between 2005 and 2017 almost doubled.

This study aims to contribute to the more detailed knowledge of the almond sector. Therefore, it analyzes the evolution of this sector at national level, describing the production, marketing, consumption and foreign trade almond. This study covers the period 2005-2019 and is based on multiple statistical information, complemented with other secondary sources.

Analysis of the data finds is that in Portugal registered a 34% increase in almond production area, between 2009 and 2017. Also the national production between 2009 and 2018, increased by about 34%.


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