The impact of the multifaceted intervention EPIQ on improving pain management in childhood vaccination
professional training, knowledge translation, vaccination, pain management, pediatrics, education, nursingAbstract
Background: Knowledge Translation (KT) allows the efficient and dynamic use of scientific evidence in clinical practice.
Objective: To analyze the impact of a multifaceted KT intervention to train health care professionals in pain management in childhood vaccination.
Methodology: This quasi-experimental study was conducted between August and December 2017, with nine nursing professionals working in the vaccination rooms of two Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBSs - Basic Health Units) of the Brazilian Federal District. The “Preparation” and “Implementation” phases of the multifaceted KT intervention Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality (EPIQ) were conducted.
Results: The EPIQ phases allowed identifying the barriers to and facilitators of vaccination in children, establishing objectives and strategies, and improving health professionals’ knowledge. There was a 13.9% increase in the mean percentage of correct answers in the posttest (p = 0.036), with the topic “Pain management” presenting the highest score of correct answers (92.8%).
Conclusion: Implementing the multifaceted KT intervention EPIQ improved the knowledge of pain management in childhood vaccination.
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