Family health nurse interventions in the diabetes surveillance consultation
nurse, nursing diagnosis, patient, diabetes mellitus, primary health careAbstract
Background: Family health nurses develop interventions aimed at the family as a unit, considering the transitions that occur throughout its life cycle, such as those resulting from the diagnosis of a chronic disease in one of its members, like diabetes.
Objective: Identify the interventions performed by the family health nurse in the diabetes surveillance consultation.
Methodology: Cross-sectional, exploratory, and descriptive study with a quantitative approach, using a simple randomized sample of 106 people with diabetes, who received nursing consultations from November to December 2019 in three family health units.
Results: Twenty-seven assessing interventions were carried out, out of the 30 planned in the data collection tool. The eight planned monitoring interventions were performed. Of the educating type, 15 of the 19 interventions were carried out.
Conclusion: Knowledge about the interventions carried out, most of which are diagnostic assessments, can contribute to the management of safe staffing of family health nurses, considering the care provided at all stages of the nursing process.
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