1-Hydroxypyrene in the urine of health professionals exposed to surgical smoke: Correlation with signs and symptoms
occupational health, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, smoke, electrocoagulationAbstract
Background: Surgical smoke includes bioaerosols and chemical compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can cause occupational diseases and work-related cancer.
Objective: To correlate the presence of 1-hydroxypyrene in the urine of health professionals with signs and symptoms associated with occupational exposure to surgical smoke and to determine the relationship between 1-hydroxypyrene levels in urine at the end of a shift and the use of personal protective equipment.
Methodology: A cross-sectional field study was conducted, collecting urine samples to determine the concentration of the metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene.
Results: Exposure to surgical smoke increased the risk of signs and symptoms by 1.56 times (p = 0.000). Irritation of other mucous membranes contributed to a 1.20 increase in the risk of other signs and symptoms associated with surgical smoke exposure (p = 0.013).
Conclusion: The results show that the higher the levels of 1-hydroxypyrene in urine, the greater the likelihood of developing signs and symptoms. The use of personal protective eyewear was also considered to be a protective factor, reducing the risk of developing signs and symptoms.
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