Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
Text format
- All sections are present in the structure of the text, according to what is described in the journal for each type of paper: «critical analysis topics for research articles», «critical analysis topics for theoretical articles/essays», «critical analysis topics for systematic review articles», «critical analysis topics for integrative review articles», «critical analysis topics for history and memory articles», including all the topics which integrate each section.
- The text has a maximum of 15 pages, including references, tables, charts, graphs e
- It is written without semantic or morphological errors.
- It is written in conformity with the orthographic agreement.
- It is in Word format, font Arial, size 11, 1.5 spacing.
- Page with non-justified text, A4 format, in a single column.
- It doesn’t use features such as bolds or underlines, font changing, coloured
backgrounds, etc.
- No footnotes. - The article submitted to the Journal of Nursing Referência is original, has not been previously published in any other journal or minute book, or as a chapter of a book, and is not currently under consideration, in full or in part, by any publishing entity.
- The authors declare that are aware that the Journal of Nursing Referência publishes all of its articles under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY - attribution 4.0 International, which permits others to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially), provided that proper credit is given to the Journal of Nursing Referência.
- The article does not plagiarize another writer’s work and accurately abides by the reference and citation processes established for the Journal.
- The article clearly describes the compliance with all ethical and legal research prerequisites in the methodology section.
- The authors take full responsibility for any bad practices regarding the principles described above or any other which may harm the scientific credibility of the Journal and the sound scientific principles of the scientific community.
- The Ethics Committee’s approval opinion is presented (mandatory for research articles and for other types of articles if applicable).
- Regarding the manuscript, the authors declare that do not have any conflict of interest (personal, commercial, academic, political, or financial).
- All sources of funding and supplied material for this study’s development are referred to in the text.
- The authors agree to pay for the article’s translation once it has been accepted for publication.
- The files for submission are in Microsoft Word format.
- URLs to the references were provided when available.
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