Knowledge, satisfaction, and self-confidence in health professionals: simulation with manikin versus simulated patient
simulation, professional retraining, learning, high fidelity simulation training, patient simulationAbstract
Background: Combining various teaching strategies that merge theory and practice has been considered
an efficient method in health education.
Objective: To compare health professionals’ knowledge, satisfaction, and self-confidence regarding clinical simulation with a high-fidelity manikin or a simulated patient.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was carried out through the application of a theoretical knowledge test and the Student Satisfaction and Self-confidence in Learning Scale during a theoretical-practical course in prenatal care for health professionals. An inferential statistical analysis was performed.
Results: Considering the 44 participants in the study, the mean of correct answers was 7 in the first
theoretical knowledge test, and 8 in the second. Knowledge increased after theoretical explanation
and simulation (p < 0.000). There was no significant difference between the “Actor” and “SimMan”
simulation groups (p > 0.05) in the two dimensions concerning satisfaction and self-confidence.
Conclusion: The overall mean of satisfaction and self-confidence was higher in the “Actor” group than in the “SimMan” group.
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