Conceptualization of nursing care to the person with post-stroke dysphagia
stroke, deglutition, nursing careAbstract
Background: Dysphagia is a clinical condition that affects a significant number of stroke patients. Its complications are among the main causes of death after a stroke, although dysphagia is not considered a cause of death.
Objective: To understand how nurses conceptualize nursing care to the person with post-stroke dysphagia.
Methodology: An exploratory descriptive study was conducted in an inpatient unit of a rehabilitation center, using the focus group and participant observation techniques, between April and July 2019.
Results: Several factors influence the decision-making process in nursing, resulting in practices based on interdependent intervention. Constraints were identified in the documentation of nursing therapeutic approaches. The focus on the person and family and their involvement in the care process is highlighted.
Conclusion: There are organizational aspects that negatively influence the conceptualization of care. The need to improve the documentation of nursing therapeutic approaches is reinforced.
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