Psychometric study of a Knowledge Questionnaire on Autonomous Nursing Interventions in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
professional autonomy, nursing care, methods, validation study, acute coronary syndromeAbstract
Background: The recognition of nurses autonomy can only be achieved if it is correctly measured and validated. In this sense, it is imperative to evaluate their knowledge, recognizing their decisive role.
Objective: To validate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Knowledge Questionnaire about Autonomous Nursing Interventions for patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Methodology: Methodological, descriptive, analytical-correlational and cross-sectional study. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis in a sample of 738 Portuguese nurses enrolled in the Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
Results: The average age was 37.57 years, 76.0% of which were women. After the refinement of the questionnaire, the confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable quality of adjustment of the factor structure composed of 9 factors with 44 items (x2/gl = 2.042; CFI = 0.846; GFI = 0.826; RMSEA = 0.053; RMR = 0.069). The overall internal consistency was = 0.930, showing high reliability, explaining 56.739% of total variance.
Conclusion: The questionnaire is reliable and valid, revealing the potential for investigation, monitoring and evaluation of nurses’ knowledge in a training context and clinical practice.
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