Resilience in adolescents with chronic illness: the nurses’ role in its promotion
resilience, psychological, adolescent, chronic disease, nursing, practicalAbstract
Background: The way adolescents with chronic illness (ACI) cope with adversity is associated with their resilience potential, which is also built through the relationship established with nurses.
Objectives: To identify resilience-promoting nursing interventions in ACI; to assess resilience in ACI; and to establish an association between their level of resilience and the received interventions.
Methodology: An exploratory sequential mixed-methods study was conducted. First, a qualitative study was conducted with a focus group of 8 nurses from a pediatric hospital, resulting in a list of resilience-promoting nursing interventions (LIER). Then, a quantitative study was conducted where a questionnaire was applied to 32 ACI (including the Resilience Scale and the LIER obtained in the first study).
Results: Nurses reported several resilience-promoting nursing interventions. In a sample of 32 ACI, the level of resilience was average and higher in the adolescents with neurological diseases and in girls. A low correlation was found between the level of resilience and the nursing interventions.
Conclusion: The results should be disseminated, and increased investment should be made so that the promotion of resilience in ACI clearly results from nursing interventions.
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