Evaluation of structured debriefing as a pedagogical strategy in family health nursing
debriefing, simulation, family nursingAbstract
Background: The impact of simulation with structured debriefing as a pedagogical strategy in nursing education is unquestionable today. However, no references were found regarding the use of this strategy in family health nursing education.
Objective: To evaluate structured debriefing associated with simulation as a pedagogical strategy in family nursing consultations.
Methodology: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 169 students attending the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. The Simulation Debriefing Assessment Scale (Escala de Avaliação do Debriefing Associado à Simulação - EADaS) was applied in laboratory classes.
Results: The scale had an overall mean score of 4.25 (SD = 0.400), with a minimum of 3.03 and a maximum of 5.00. The highest mean scores (M = 4.58; SD = 0.462) were found in the Affective Value Dimension and the lowest mean scores (M = 3.87; SD = 0.621) were found in the Psychosocial Value Dimension. The Cognitive Value Dimension had M = 4.35 points and SD = 0.435.
Conclusion: Structured debriefing associated with simulation proved to be a suitable pedagogical strategy for the acquisition and development of students’ competencies in family health nursing, facilitating critical and reflexive learning that is essential to intervene within the family and should, therefore, be implemented in this area.
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