Permanent education in the health care network for women in situations of violence
violence against women, intersectoral collaboration, permanent education, inservice trainingAbstract
Background: Permanent health education is a strategy to transform the daily reality of professionals through educational actions. This strategy was applied in the daily practice of the professionals who provide care to women in situations of violence.
Objective: To identify challenges in the training and development of the professionals who work in an intersectoral health care network for women in situations of violence.
Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews to 49 professionals who work in an intersectoral health care network for women in situations of violence, between October 2016 and April 2017, in the southern region of Brazil. The interviews were transcribed and processed using IRAMUTEQ® software for data analysis. Descending hierarchical classification, similarity analysis, and word clouds were used.
Results: The following challenges were identified: networking, vocational training, intersectoral communication, and interface between health, social, and education services.
Conclusion: Permanent health education proved to be an effective strategy for consolidating advances in the intersectoral network.
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