Incidence and type of peripheral vascular trauma in people undergoing diagnostic imaging exams
nursing, diagnostic imaging, veins, catheterization, peripheral, nursing diagnosisAbstract
Background: The venipuncture is a frequent procedure in nursing care, being necessary to map/identify possible related problems, taking into account the specificities of diagnostic examinations, to support care delivery.
Objective: Analyze the incidence and type of peripheral vascular trauma manifestations in people undergoing computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Methodology: Retrospective cohort of sectorial documents and prospective cohort with individuals punctured for computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with contrast. Data collected from June to December 2018, subject to descriptive statistics and incidence measurement.
Results: The study included 76 patients and 2,946 records of venipuncture evaluation forms. In the retrospective cohort, the incidence of extravasation of contrast was 8,4%. In the prospective cohort, the incidence of vascular trauma was 52,6%. The manifestations identified were erythema, vein dilation, blood residue, ecchymosis, and hardening.
Conclusion: The manifestations identified can be treated/minimized, being the nurse responsible for decision-making based on scientific evidence, aiming at patient safety and quality of nursing care.
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