The influence of the preoperative nursing consultation on meeting patients’ information needs
office nursing, patient satisfaction, information, nursingAbstract
Background: In the perioperative period, information allows patients to develop appropriate responses to the different situations they experience.
Objectives: To assess, postoperatively, patients’ level of satisfaction with the information received; to analyze the influence of the preoperative nursing consultation on meeting patients’ information needs.
Methodology: Descriptive-correlational, quasi-experimental study. Data were collected postoperatively using a questionnaire applied to two groups of patients (experimental and control). The first group received a preoperative nursing consultation, and the second group received the information usually provided at the hospital.
Results: The results allowed to identify the patients’ level of satisfaction with the preoperative information received. They point out that the preoperative nursing consultation focuses on developing a close therapeutic relationship that is essential for meeting patients’ information needs.
Conclusion: The preoperative nursing consultation is an autonomous activity that contributes to meeting patients’ information needs.
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